Thursday, June 25, 2009

Sherwood Photodiary

The Modern: Something that contains ideas that contrast with eachother in a way that causes you to see them in a new way. This picture is modern because, the idea of nature (life) and pollution/littering are two contrasting ideas. They cause me to see the harmful effects of littering within a forest oasis and to be honest the trash throughout the woods made me a little angry. I think maybe even angrier than I would have been had I seen it walking on the streets at home.

The Romantic: something that is beautiful but melancholy. This picture represents Romanticism to me because the little girl in the picture is adorable, however she reminds me of my daughter whom I miss very much. Therefore watching her sing and dance around made me feel sad and long to be home with my daughter.

The Sublime: something with a spiritual element. When looking at these trees I saw the holy trinity. Three trees growing from the same base.

The Picturesque: Something that is pretty. These roses are beautiful. They were the first thing to really catch my eye at Nottingham Castle.


  1. I really like your Trinity of trees! and I agree, that huge bed of roses at Nottingham were breathtaking!

  2. Hi Katie, Whenever I see tons of roses, I always have to pull out my camera too. I always see the sublime in them. Wonder why.

  3. Everything looks beautiful! I love the roses, they make me think of Grammie! Glad you are having fun!

  4. Looks pretty:) Were there any other themes you thought of?

  5. Katie!!
    Beautiful photography. The roses are breathtaking. I guess they could be romantic too, only in a different way. Don't red roses symbolize passionate, eternal love? But I love the gentler picture you took, too, with the melancholy element.

    I'm sorry I haven't commented on your blog yet. :( For a while, I couldn't get it to work. Other than that, I have no excuse besides crazy schedule.

    Maria <3

  6. Nice work. It is interesting to read in the comments to your pictures how different people interpreted your photos in different categories than you orginally put them. Isn't that interesting? The picture of the child in Sherwood is particularly Romantic (captial R) because a common theme is the innocence of childhood in the natural setting.

  7. Maria: You're a slacker! (Just kidding)

    Mom/Jeanne: The roses made me think of Grammie as well.

    Abbie: The themes were assigned so I never thought much about the other possible themes. But I would imagine that they are prevalent throughout the forest. There are probably too many to count.

    Ruth: Yes I can see how that could be capital R romantic in that way as well...I mean it's no rotting cucumber...but it works lol
